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People are applauding Harry from McFly after he spoke out about sexist parenting habits

He doesn’t want his daughter to ever think that girls aren’t as good as boys.

HARRY JUDD ISN’T embarrassed to share a few cute Instagrams of himself and his one-year-old daughter Lola every now and then.

The McFly drummer regularly shares cute moments with his child, but yesterday he took to Instagram to share an important story.

His post read: 

Mummy’s away today so we’ve had some daddy daughter time. Overheard some guy telling his son to stop screaming like a girl.
A comment I’d never given a second thought until today. Then he said it again. “Stop screaming like a girl!” All I could think was what will Lola say when she understands what he said?

He went on to picture the scenario in which Lola asks him:

‘What’s wrong with screaming like a girl Daddy?’

But he has his answer prepared:

I’ll tell her that there’s nothing wrong with screaming like a girl and that it’s actually a compliment because girls are awesome.

It is a nice sentiment, but it’s worth noting that millions of girls grow up hearing things like that every day. “Throwing like a girl”, “Fighting like a girl”, “Running like a girl”, etc.

The reality is that girls never question what is wrong with doing anything like a girl, but instead, a lot of the time they just internalise these kinds of comments.

Of course he means well, but what is important is that you don’t wait for your child to ask you what’s wrong with screaming or crying like a girl, or doing any activity like a girl.

Tell them from the start that there’s nothing wrong with doing anything like a girl. In fact, it’s far, far healthier to be expressive in the way that girls are encouraged to be. It means that men are never ashamed to cry or talk about how they’re feeling.

Harry is currently expecting another child with his wife Izzy.

Hopefully he keeps up the good parenting that Instagram users have been referring to as #ParentingGoals. He has received plenty of comments from other parents supporting him.






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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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